
Privacy and data protection policy


BADU Ltd. is a company registered and operating under Bulgarian law, with headquarters in Bulgaria, Petrich, Sando Kitanov Street №3, entrance B , floor 4, apartment 6 duly registered in the Commercial Register and the register of non-profit organizations with UIC No. 201175816. We respect the privacy of our customers and make every effort to ensure the protection of their personal data and information, in compliance with all applicable laws related to the protection of personal data.

For this purpose, apply the following policy on privacy and data protection ( "Policy"), which identified la main aspects to which collect and process personal data on our website ( badu global . Com ), the purposes for which we collect and process this data, how we use this information, how you can change this information, your preferences for our communication with you, and how we guarantee the protection of this personal data and your rights related to your personal data.

We comply with the applicable legal provisions and the personal data that we receive and / or collect from you, process, store or store, are processed in accordance with applicable law and only for the purposes set out in this Policy.

It is important to mention that this Policy applies to you regardless of how you access our website, respectively covers any device through which you enter the website (via phone, tablet, computer, etc.).

It should be mentioned that our policy on the use of cookies is part of this Policy.

A. Adoption of the Privacy and Data Protection Policy

Before taking any further action on our website, we encourage you to read this Policy carefully. 

If you do not agree to this Policy and do not want your personal data to be used as described in detail here, you must not continue to use our website and provide us with your personal data. 

We emphasize that each time you use our website, you must abide by our Policy and by continuing to log in, view and use our website in any other way, you confirm that you have read, understood and agreed to this Policy.

B. What personal data we collect

  1. Personal data

When you log in or browse our website, as well as when you make online purchases through our website, when you subscribe to our e-newsletters and websites that advertise our services and campaigns, we will collect some of your personal information to better serve you. , such as:

- name, surname, sex, date of birth,

- email address, telephone number,

- invoice details and delivery address,

- personal interests, feedback, consideration and shopping preferences,

Please note that in order to be able to create a personal account on our website and to make an online purchase, it is mandatory that you provide us with all of the above personal information. If you do not agree to provide us with this personal information, you will not be able to create your personal account and / or make purchases on our website.  

  1. Technical and statistical data and information

We point out that in addition to the personal data described above, we may collect information about your device, as well as other statistical and technical data and information, such as frequency and duration of your visit to the website, order time and IP address at the time of order, statistics for pages visited. of products and ordered products. 

This data is collected and used by us to analyze your actions and preferences as a visitor to the site, to administer the website, for statistical purposes and for security reasons. 

The statistics and technical data provided by your browser and / or device may also be used for marketing and advertising purposes, provided that this data will not be linked to your personal data and will not be used to we identify. 

  1. Payment details and information (bank information and / or card details with which the payment is made)

As part of the processing of each order and depending on your chosen method of payment when placing the order, you will be asked to provide your bank account details, credit card information, and this data will be used to perform all payments to us and for refunds for you depending on the case. 

We indicate that in this case you will offer your payment details directly to the payment institution and not to us and will therefore be subject to the privacy policy of the payment institution. 

We encourage you to read these terms and conditions before choosing this form of payment. The credit card information used to place your order will not be stored or stored in our system. 

C. How we use the personal data collected

Accordingly, we collect your personal data for the following purposes:

  • to create your personal account on our website www.badu global . bg (eg your name, email address),
  • to process your orders through online services (eg your name, address, date of birth),
  • to send SMS notifications to notify you of deliveries (eg your phone number),
  • to send marketing offers such as newsletters and catalogs (eg your email address, name and mailing address),
  • to notify you of problems with the delivery of products ordered by you (eg your phone number, address),
  • to respond to your inquiries and to inform you of new or changed services (eg your email address),
  • to analyze your personal information in order to provide you with marketing offers and information that meets your preferences (eg your email address, shopping habits, other technical and statistical data),
  • to check if you have reached the age of majority for online shopping (eg your date of birth)

This website is aimed at adults and may not be used by persons under 14 years of age. We do not explicitly collect data from minors under the age of 14. Please note that we will not knowingly collect information from a person under the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18, you must obtain the permission of your parent or guardian before using the services of the site. We will ask you to provide us with your parent's email address so that we can ensure that you have received permission from him to process your personal information. 

In addition, the personal data collected from the website is also used for the following purposes:

  • to process and complete order processes and to provide communication with our customers in order to fulfill our obligations arising from any transaction concluded between our customers and us,
  • to provide you with information about our products, services, campaigns, promotions and other notices and / or information,
  • to better understand our customers' shopping preferences and to offer them personalized services on our website in the future,
  • to perform trend analyzes and statistical analyzes, including for marketing purposes and other internal purposes of the company,
  • to enhance the security of the website.



D. How we share the personal information we collect

Personal data collected on the website may be shared, disclosed or processed by our staff or partner companies that provide related services (eg companies providing freight and delivery services, call centers, database services, advertising and marketing agencies and etc.).

We may disclose and / or transfer your personal data to the appropriate government agencies when required by law to better serve our customers and fulfill our obligations to them.

However, your personal data is in any case protected by our company and we also guarantee that those companies with whom your personal data is shared protect and guarantee the confidentiality of your personal data to the same extent.

All personal data and other information we collect from you may be transferred outside the European Economic Area or Switzerland, provided that in this case we take all technical and organizational measures in accordance with the applicable legislation on the transfer of personal data.

In addition, your personal data is never disclosed to third parties, whether natural or legal persons, who have no commercial relationship with us for the purposes of this website and are not used or sold for commercial purposes.

In the event that another company has an interest in acquiring all or part of our business, we reserve the right to disclose your personal data and other information to that company only in connection with and for the purposes of the planned acquisition. 

We have no control over and are not responsible for the transmission of your personal data and other information by other partner companies that provide related services on or in connection with these services. 

E. Cookie Policy 

This section is related to the cookies and web pages managed by BADU Ltd. Please note that in order to ensure the proper functioning of this website, we sometimes place small data files called cookies on your device.

A cookie is a small text file (letters and numbers) that a website places on your computer, telephone or other device when you visit the website, with information about your navigation on that website. Cookies are installed on a request issued by the web server to a browser (eg Internet Explorer, Chrome ) and do not contain any software, spyware or virus programs and do not have access to information from the user's hardware. The function of the cookie is to enable our website to store your actions and preferences (such as username, language, font size and other display settings) for a certain period of time, so that you do not have to enter them every time when you visit the site again or go from one page to another. 

Use of cookies

Cookies are industry standards that are used to make sure that shopping on our website is more efficient and safer. Cookies are used on all shopping websites.

Cookies are part of the functions of our website, and their main purpose is to improve and facilitate your visit to our website. By remembering your actions as users and identifying you, the use of cookies supports the efforts of BADU Ltd. to offer you the best services. In addition, by using cookies, we can inform you quickly and easily about our offers, as this is an easy way to advertise online. 

In addition, the information collected in cookies allows us to improve the website and adapt its content to the preferences and individual needs of the user, to improve search results, to maintain and improve the functionality and efficiency of the website.

The cookies used by the website are in all cases temporary and are only used to improve the efficiency of the last data transmission. The cookies used by the website are only associated with anonymous users and their computers and do not provide personal data to users.

The cookies used by our website will not be used for purposes other than those listed. 

What cookies are used on this website?

Our website uses the following cookies:

Ø Technical cookies 

They allow the user to browse our website and use features such as the shopping cart or wish list.

Ø Analytical cookies 

BADU Ltd. uses analytical cookies to calculate the number of users who visit the website and are registered. These cookies make it possible to measure and analyze the way users view this website. 

Ø Cookies for preferences 

Each time users browse or shop on this website, the site will save their preferences (eg location or preferred language). Thanks to these cookies we can offer users easy, more convenient and personalized browsing.

Ø Advertising cookies 

These cookies are used to display advertisements that are suitable for users and help BADU Ltd. to measure the effectiveness of its advertising campaigns. When browsing the website, users agree that BADU Ltd. will download these types of cookies to their devices and will consult with them when the user visits the website in the future.

Who uses the information stored in cookies?

The information stored in the cookies on our website is used only by us, except for the persons referred to below as "third party cookies", which are used and managed by external bodies that provide us with the services requested by us. to improve our services and the user's experience in navigating our website. The main services for which these "third party cookies" are used are to obtain access statistics and to secure payment transactions.

F. How do I disable and delete the use of cookies?

You can control and / or delete, restrict or block cookies from this website at any time by changing the configuration of your browser. You can delete all cookies that are already on your computer, and you can set most browsers to prevent them from being set. But if you do, you may need to manually adjust some preferences each time you visit a site, and some services and features may not work. 

Because the configuration of each browser is different, the configuration of cookies is usually done from the "Preferences" or "Tools" menu. For more details on configuring cookies in your browser, please see the "Help" menu of your browser.

G. How can I avoid the use of cookies on this website?

If you prefer to avoid the use of cookies on this website, you must first disable cookies in your browser. Please note that if you choose to disable cookies, you will not be able to take advantage of all of our features and may not be able to access certain features of our website. 

H. Cookies on the website of BADU Ltd.

Session cookies - We use a session cookie to remember that you are logged in to your account when you log in to our client area. You can learn more about cookie sessions and what they are used for at 

We keep the information from cookies for 1 month.

Google Analytics - we use this to understand how the website of BADU Ltd. is used to improve the practical work of users. Your user data is anonymous. You can learn more about Google 's privacy policy regarding its analytics service at  

Google AdWords : Using the Google AdWords code , we are able to see which pages helped submit your contact forms. This allows us to make better use of our paid search budget.  

Facebook Advertising : We use conversion tracking and redirect pixels in Facebook advertising, which allows us to collect or receive information. You can learn more at 

Criteo : We use remarketing codes to register when users see specific pages, which allows us to offer targeted advertising in the future. You can learn more about Criteo 's position on the privacy of its service at 

By continuing to use the website of BADU Ltd. you accept our Policy for the use of cookies.

I. Data security and protection 

The company respects the confidentiality of personal information of its customers and makes every effort to ensure the same, using the latest technology. 

All physical, electronic and management measures have been taken to ensure the security of our system. All data is stored and archived on secure servers in the country and abroad.
The data received through our website is transferred via SSL ( Secure Socket Layer ) technology , which ensures secure data transfer.  

On the pages where you provide your payment details on our website, you will notice that at the far right of the address bar (depending on the browser you are using) an image of a lock or key and the first letters that appear on that line are displayed. with the address are changed from http to https . If you see this, you can be sure that our site is on secure servers.

J. The rights of our customers and visitors regarding their personal data

It is important for us to guarantee you all your rights in relation to your personal data, therefore we would like to inform you that according to the applicable law, you have the following rights:

- The right to access personal data : you have the right to receive from us, upon request and free of charge (for one request per year) confirmation that your personal data is or has not been collected and processed by us together with all other mandatory information provided by law . You can exercise this right by sending us a signed written request dated and indicating whether you want us to send you this information to a specific address or through a correspondence service.  

- The right to intervene in personal data : you have the right to request, free of charge, the correction, updating, blocking or deletion of personal data that do not meet legal requirements, in particular incomplete or inaccurate personal data, and the conversion of such personal data. data in anonymous data. Each of these operations will also involve notifying the third parties to whom your personal data about each of these operations have been disclosed. You can exercise this right by sending us a signed written request dated and indicating whether you want us to send you this information to a specific address or through a correspondence service. 

- The right to object : you have the right to object at any time on the basis of justified and valid reasons according to your specific situation against any personal data concerning you being processed. If your objection is justified, we will no longer process this data. You also have the right to object at any time, free of charge and without any grounds, to the personal data relating to you being processed directly or disclosed to a third party for this purpose. You can exercise this right by sending us a signed written request with a date and by indicating whether you want us to send you this information to a specific address or through a correspondence service. 

- The right not to obey a specific decision: you have the right to request and receive the withdrawal or revocation of any decision that gives you a lawful decision taken solely on the basis of personal data processing carried out by automatic means in order to assess certain aspects of your personality or the reassessment of such a decision.   

- The right to go to court: without any restriction on the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, you have the right to go to justice to protect all the rights guaranteed by law that have been violated.  

- The right to be deleted (“the right to be forgotten”): you have the right to request the deletion of your personal data free of charge at any time, if this personal data is no longer needed in connection with the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed. manner, and in all other cases provided for by the applicable legislation.   

K. Duration of storage

Your user information and your purchasing behavior data are stored for 3 years. Your basic data is stored for the duration of the contract. After the end of the storage period, the data is destroyed as soon as possible by destroying the paper media by shredding , and the technical media - by deleting and deleting the relevant files from the company's computers.

L. Newsletters, messages and alerts. Unsubscribe from e-newsletter

We offer you the right to control whether you receive e-newsletters throughout your experience on our website. 

In this regard, we inform you that for the purposes of direct marketing, as we initially collect your personal data in the context of the sale of our products through our website, we require your consent to further use your personal data for our commercial purposes. 

However, you can always withdraw your consent to personal information used for marketing purposes (eg sending newsletters or sending offers to your email address), including when we initially collect your personal data or in any case where you receive any of our messages and unsolicited communication.

If you decide to unsubscribe from the e-newsletter permanently and at any time, you can unsubscribe for free and easily from the e-newsletter subscription by clicking on the link "Unsubscribe from receiving the Newsletter" The client can express at any time using the special link , located in each Bulletin ”, which appears in the electronic bulletins that we send you regularly or by sending a notification to [email protected] with your email address.  

You can contact us using the following contact details:

Address: Bulgaria, Petrich, Macedonia Square №10 Phone: +359 0700 123 24 Email : [email protected]